3 sheet metal drills with cutting paste in a sturdy industrial magazine, Sizes 1 - 2 - 3

Item number:


Item description
Powerful, right-hand cutting sheet metal peeling drill / step drill with sharp drill point (cross ground in accordance with DIN 1412 C) for drilling holes in sheet metal up to 4 mm thickness. The sharp drill tip makes it possible to drill into thin-walled materials without pre-drilling. The deep-ground flute (spiral flute on step drills) ensures absolutely smooth running and high cutting performance. With the step drill, the next higher step can be used to deburr the hole.


Use for steel, cast steel alloys and non-alloys, grey, malleable, ductile and cast iron, sintered iron, nickel silver, graphite, short cutting aluminium alloys, brass, bronze and plastics
Ver­sion 3 sheet metal drills with cut­ting paste in a sturdy in­dus­trial mag­a­zine
Di­am­e­ter [mm] 3 to 30.5
Sizes 1 - 2 - 3
con­tains sheet metal peel­ing drills / step drills BOHR BS1 HSS
con­tains sheet metal peel­ing drills / step drills BOHR BS2 HSS
con­tains sheet metal peel­ing drills / step drills BOHR BS3 HSS
Further information on BOHRBSSET3
Weight 440 g / pcs
Customs duty number 82075060
Manufacturer RUKO

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